Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Call of the Wise

Call it corny, but I think the title of this post is appropriate for our goal. Since our meeting last Friday, I have been reading through the comments on School 2.0 that took place (and are taking place as a matter of fact). There are some interesting and wisdom filled notes in the comments and I encourage you all to read them through and think about where your district/school is currently, where it may be headed or where it differs from others.

Consider this an open invitation to anyone in our ITS Community who would like to carry on the conversations that take place at the few and far between ITS Town Meetings. If you are intersted in joining the community as a contributor to the blog, please email us ( and we will send you an invite as soon as possible.

Thank you all for your time and for what you do for teachers and students in our districts.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

School 2.0: Technologists

"You have the knowledge to construct the technology platform. Be a translator. Help transform your community by bridging others into the technology conversation."
-School 2.0

Technology Specialists know how to use the technology and can help teachers and students learn to use it effectively, we need to be voices of questioning and different thinking when it comes to School 2.0. Be supportive of people that have questions and want to learn. Invite other people (from the School 2.0 map) to join this ongoing discussion and include them in the future of learning.

School 2.0: Students

"How will you change the world? Your future job may not exist yet, so the key to your success is being a continuous learner."
- School 2.0

This is your space to start (and continue) the conversations taking place here in relation to students and the process areas of School 2.0. If you began the discussion from another point of view (i.e. - students, Technologists) feel free to add your thoughts to the other conversations. Oh, and invite other people (from the School 2.0 map) to join this ongoing discussion.

School 2.0: Teachers

"The world is your classroom - know that you don't have to have all the answers."

- School 2.0
Let's face it, teaching today is very different than it was 20 years ago. Never before has it been possible to have instant access to information as we do today (and it's only becoming more ubiquitous). This is your space to start (and continue) the conversations taking place here in relation to Teachers and the concepts of School 2.0. If you began the discussion from another point of view (i.e. - students, Technologists) feel free to add your thoughts to the other conversations. Oh, and invite other people (from the School 2.0 map) to join this ongoing discussion.

School 2.0

The concepts of Web 2.0 continue to infiltrate our lives and schools, now how will these things begin to affect the school of tomorrow? We'd like to start a conversation that talks about where we are and where we are going. The concept of School 2.0 was created by a group brought together by the Department of Education. There are some basic concepts that underline what the school of tomorrow might look like. How can we as technology leaders help communicate with the people that are involved in our school districts how this might look?