Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Instructional Uses for Podcasting I

This Friday, March 3rd, Mark Lohr from Apple will be presenting on the instructional use of iPods in education. ITS Community members are invited to attend this presentation from 1:00 -3:00 PM at the BOCES Technology Services building located at 11 Linden Park.

I'm not sure about you all, but we have been getting questions about how to use iPods at an increasing rate over the past few months. Hmmm... maybe that's been since the presentation on iPods at the 2005 NYSCATE Conference?

If you are completely clueless about iPods you can read more about them at Apple's iPod site. While you are there you might want to check out some of the sample iPod lessons of teachers who are using them in the classroom already.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Minutes from Meeting

We wanted to compile a quick list of the resources that were mentioned at the last ITS meeting as well as any additional minutes that are apparent in the blog.
  • IESpell- This is an extension for Internet Explorer for spell checking web based forms.
  • Google Toolbar- If you use Google a lot and also want a spell checker for web based forms here is another option.
  • Wikipedia- If you are interested what we are basing our wiki on and want to look Wikipedia here is a link to this socially constructed encyclopedia
  • Off Air Taping Database- Here is a link to our wiki with the Off Air Taping Database instructions. We are also including this in our email.
  • Internet2- If you are interested in seeing the K-20 initiatives that the Internet2 consortium is providing take a look here.
  • Bloglines- If you are interested in using an RSS aggregator to get updates to sites like this blog you can sign up on bloglines. (Take a look at our wiki for account creation directions.)
  • Read Write Web- Here is a decent article on how technologies such as RSS are changing the face of the web. (There are some parts that don't apply to education, but I think that the author does a good job of giving an overview of how the technology is changing.)

Late Notice, But Interesting

I recently learned about an event at RIT that looks at wikis. The presentation is called "WWW/ Wiki Wacky Web?: Wikis, Authority and the Public Sphere" and thought some of you might be interested in attending. There is also another interesting speaker coming to RIT who will be talking about creative commons. Here is more information and an explanation of creative commons!