Thursday, October 12, 2006

District Initiative Sharing

As with any community it is important to share resources. It is always good the to let the right hand know what the left hand is doing, so to speak. In sharing out district initiatives, connections can be made between districts, schools and teachers that are working to achieve similar goals. I mean, who of you really wants to "re-invent the wheel"?

Please share your thoughts and comments about this activity in the comments section.

Did You Know?

At the beginning of this school year we ran across an interesting Power Point and we wanted to share it with you. It is a great way to share with people some of the main ideas authors like Thomas Friedman have been talking about over the past year. This Power Point really struck some of the people we shared it with here at BOCES. We thought that sharing it with this group would be beneficial, especially thinking about the future.


Linda O'Keefe presented on Shared Results TechCLUB as a solution for presenting teachers with tips and tutorials for everyday application. Learn more at

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

USB Application and SMART

Over the past few years the price of USB thumb drives have dropped dramatically. Now you can have 4 gigabytes on a thumb drive, older computers use to have this as their entire drive. So how does it apply to education? Students and teacher now can have applications that are available to them on a thumb drive. Everything from web browsers to operating systems can now fit on these drives. One recent application that we have stumbled upon can be very useful to teachers that now have SMART Boards accessible to them can put the software on a flash drive as well as saving their projects there. Now a teacher can walk into any classroom that has a SMART Board and work on their project. Applications running from a thumb drive can also give student the ability to keep their notes and other information in their back pockets. How will this change the way students work between school and home? It will be interesting to see how these type of applications will lessen the need for a specific computer for each student, or in that case each teacher.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Town Meeting - October 13 - 8:30 AM

Come one, come all! You are all welcome to attend our, the ITS Community, first meeting of the year on October 13th, 2006. This meeting will be held at the Technology Services building located at 11 Linden Park and will start at 8:30 AM.

We will send out an agenda later this week. If you have any agenda items you'd like to add please send them on to Brian or Tadge.